Maharashtra Scholarship Status 2025

Maharashtra Scholarship Status Check: The Maharashtra Government provides details about its various scholarship programs through the MahaDBT official web portal. Eligible applicants can submit their applications and check the status of their scholarship application via the MahaDBT official website.

Also, the Maharashtra Government receives several applications for its scholarship schemes through its MahaDBT portal each year. Then, after the expiry of the application deadline, the authorities review all applications and either “Approve” or “Reject” applications. In case your scholarship is approved, the scholarship money will be directly credited to your bank account.

Through the MahaDBT portal, you can check the status of your scholarship application.

Maharashtra Scholarships: How to Check Application Status?

Here are the steps on how you can check the status of your application.

  • Go to the official web link of the MahaDBT,
  • Now, you have to tap the “Post Matric Scholarship” tab and click on the same
  • Proceed by selecting the “Applicant Login” tab for the login page to appear on the screen
  • You then have to log in to your account with your “Username” and “Password” to access your account Dashboard
  • After signing in, tap the “My Applied Scheme” tab
  • Thereafter, your application status will be seen under any one of the following divisions:
  • Under the Scrutiny Application Section

In case your application has not yet been reviewed, its status will show under the “Under Scrutiny” section. During this stage, your scholarship application is pending verification at the Institute or Department level, which includes checking for any errors in your application.

  • Approved Application Section

If all details in your application are found to be correct and as per the given format, your application will be seen under the “Approved Application” section.

  • Rejected Application Section

Applications are rejected because of various reasons. These include incorrect info and missing documents. In such cases, your application could get rejected and then will show under the “Rejected Application” section.

  • Funds Disbursed Section

For applicants whose scholarship applications get approved, the funds will be disbursed into their accounts. You can view the status of the scholarship amount disbursement under this section. The beneficiaries will receive the funds directly into their bank accounts.

Maharashtra Scholarship

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