We, at governmentscholarhips.com, value the privacy of website users. We understand that the personal information of website visitors is important.
In the following details, you can find information about how we use and collect data, and safeguard the information of users browsing our website. We do not indulge in selling your personal information to third parties.
Log Files
Similar to other websites, we use and collect data stored in log files. The log files contain:
- Your Internet Protocol (IP) address
- Your Internet Service Provider (ISP), which can be Shaw Cable or AOL
- The browser (Firefox or Internet Explorer)you accessed to visit our website
- The time you spent on our website
- The different webpages you visited on our portal
Web Beacons and Cookies
When you visit our website, we use cookies to store your personal details, including personal preferences.
Our website also contains third-party advertisements. Some advertisers use web beacons and cookies when advertising on our website. As a result, other advertisers like Google through the Google AdSense program) get access to your ISP, IP address, your browser details, among others.
Such information is used for geo-advertising or exhibiting ads based on particular sites visited.